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March 3, 2009
Salem Recycling Committee: Agenda
Tuesday March 3rd, 7:00-8:30 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd floor

1. Debrief Book Swap –Liz, etc

2. Earth Day Ideas/Planning
  a. Jason Silva’s ideas –Julie/Jason
  b. Recycling collection event idea: metal, clothes, books, electronics --Susan

3. Committee’s 1 year anniversary
  a. Annual Report (one-page summary on accomplishments for the website and the Mayor’s Office)
  b. Officers’ 1st term up in June

4. Gazzette columns: list of those we would like to publish with tentative dates

5. Tour of the C&D recycling in Andover with Robbie George—possible dates? --Julie

6. Website update and name –Liz, Lynn, Katie

7. Science Fair –Susan, Katie, Mikaela, Julie